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Yorkshire Cancer Research Stop Smoking Support
Stopping smoking can be hard, but it’s the best thing you can do for your health and wellbeing. Yorkshire Cancer Research Stop Smoking Support offers free personalised support and stop-smoking aids to give you the best opportunity to stop smoking for good.
Get started today
Take your first step towards being smoke-free. You're up to three times more likely to quit for good with support.
Click the link below to sign up for Yorkshire Cancer Research stop smoking service via our partner Refer-all.
Flexible appointments

Appointments with your dedicated advisor can be face to face, by phone or online via a video call.
Personalised support

Your advisor will work with you to find the most suitable stop smoking aid for your stop-smoking journey. This could be a vaping device or nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) such as patches or lozenges.
FREE Quit Kits

NRT products and vaping starter kits are free of charge whilst you are on the programme, including any refills or further products.
Coping strategies

Your advisor will work with you to develop coping strategies and behaviours to manage cravings and help you achieve your goal of becoming smoke-free.
Quote from Anthony, Leeds
"I think having a phone call every week with the stop smoking advisor definitely helped stop me going back to cigarettes. Having that support and being able to say ‘no, I still haven’t smoked’ was a really great feeling. It definitely got me through those critical first few weeks.”

Treating tobacco addiction
Did you know?
Nicotine is not the cause of smoking-related diseases such as cancer. Almost all the harm from smoking comes from the thousands of chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least 70 of which are known to cause cancer. By gradually reducing the nicotine dose over time in you can eventually stop using nicotine altogether.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), are products that give you low levels of nicotine without the tar, carbon monoxide and other poisonous chemicals found in tobacco smoke. They can be available as: skin patches, chewing gum, inhalators, tablets, oral strips and lozenges or nasal and mouth spray.
e-cigarettes / vaping products
Vaping products are battery powered devices that heat an e-liquid containing nicotine, glycerol water and flavourings. They allow you to inhale nicotine in a vapour, without the thousands of chemicals found in tobacco smoke that cause all the harm from smoking.
Specialist behavioural support
You are more likely to quit for good with the right support than trying to do it alone. All of our treatments are evidence based, proven to help manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Your advisor will work with you to develop coping strategies and behaviours to manage cravings and help you achieve your goal of becoming smoke-free.
Quote from Dr Stuart Griffiths
“Smoking is not a ‘lifestyle choice’. It is a harmful addiction that can be treated. People who smoke, many of whom want to quit, deserve to get help to do so.”
What happens when you stop smoking?
Even if you’ve smoked for a very long time, you will still notice changes to your body and health when you stop. This is what happens when you quit for good:
After 20 minutes
Your heart rate will return to normal
After 8 hours
Your oxygen levels return to normal and carbon monoxide levels in your blood reduce by more than half
After 48 hours
Your sense of smell and taste starts to improve
After 72 hours
Your breathing will become easier
After 3-9 months
Any coughs, wheezing or breathing problems will have started to improve as your lung function increases
After 1 year
Your risk of heart attack will have halved compared to a smoker's
After 10 years
Your risk of death from lung cancer will have halved
Contact us
For more information about the Yorkshire Cancer Research Stop Smoking Support please email