Yorkshire Cancer Research welcomes latest move towards a ‘smokefree generation’ content
Yorkshire Cancer Research welcomes news that MPs have voted in favour of increasing the age of sale for cigarettes, meaning a ‘smokefree generation’ is one step closer to becoming law.
Every week in Yorkshire, 90 people are diagnosed with a cancer caused by smoking and sadly, 60 people in the region lose their lives. More than 4 in 5 people who smoke begin before the age of 20, so the law could greatly reduce the number of people who smoke and help to save lives across the region.
The legislation would see the age of sale for cigarettes increase one year, every year, so that anyone born after 2009 will never legally be able to buy cigarettes. The Bill would also impose measures to try and reduce the number of young people who take up vaping.
It is essential that the introduction of a ‘smokefree generation’ is accompanied by sufficient funding for local stop smoking services. Almost half a million people in Yorkshire still smoke, and if we are to save lives in the region, not only do we need to reduce the number of people who start smoking, but also ensure that those who currently smoke have the specialist support they need to quit for good.