The latest blogs and research from Yorkshire Cancer Research
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Behind the headlines: How new smoking and vaping laws could impact Yorkshire
Behind the headlines: How new smoking and vaping laws could impact Yorkshire

Statement: Disposable vaping ban could affect some of the most vulnerable
Yorkshire Cancer Research welcomes measures that will help prevent young people who do not smoke from accessing vaping products. It is clear that a ban of…

Smokefree 2030 - will the target be missed?
In this blog post we take a close look at the Government's Smokefree 2030 commitment, and examine how we can take stronger action, not only to help people quit for good but also stop people from taking up smoking in the first place.

Smokefree 2030: the time to act is now
Tobacco smoking is the leading cause of cancer in Yorkshire. The Government has set a goal for the country to go smokefree by 2030 – but Yorkshire is due to miss…
A day in the life of a Stop Smoking Advisor
Once someone has made that commitment to stop smoking, we want to make it as easy and smooth for them as possible.

The Truth About Vaping
Vaping products are often portrayed in a negative way, and this has led to confusion and a common misperception that vaping is as harmful as smoking tobacco. We…