The latest blogs and research from Yorkshire Cancer Research
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Lynparza to benefit more people with breast cancer in Yorkshire
First developed with funding from Yorkshire Cancer Research, Lynparza is an innovative drug that has been helping to treat cancer for almost a decade. In this blog…
Bowel cancer screening – it’s time to raise the bar
Bowel screening services in Yorkshire are over-performing when it comes to the number of people checked for early signs of cancer. But the standards that need to be…
Smokefree 2030 - will the target be missed?
In this blog post we take a close look at the Government's Smokefree 2030 commitment, and examine how we can take stronger action, not only to help people quit for good but also stop people from taking up smoking in the first place.
Why we need lung cancer screening in Yorkshire
Cancer screening has helped to improve survival rates for breast, bowel, and cervical cancer – and we think it could do the same for lung cancer. In this blog, we…
Behind the headlines: cancer care delays
In November 2022, a BBC analysis revealed a sharp rise in long waits for cancer therapy in the past four years.Dr Kathryn Scott, Chief Executive at Yorkshire Cancer…
Time to scan
Join our call for the government to announce a national lung screening programme.
Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in Yorkshire, with 82 people…
Why we need to replace the Two-Week Wait
NHS England has a target that people should wait no more than two weeks for an appointment with a specialist after seeing their GP with symptoms of cancer. But this…
Emergency presentations: time to ‘level up’ Yorkshire
Research has shown England compares poorly to other countries when it comes to emergency diagnosis of cancer. But our analysis reveals that Yorkshire fares even…