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Award frequently asked questions

When is your next funding call?

Our Annual Funding Round usually opens at the beginning of October, and we may have other funding schemes open throughout the year. All currently open funding schemes will be listed on our Apply for a scheme page, alongside their opening and closing dates.

What are my chances of a successful application?

Over the last six years, we have had an average success rate of 21% with £10m available for funding each year.

I’m not sure if my research fits within your strategy

Please read the Information for Applicants and Research Strategy. If you have any questions about your research and whether it would be suitable for our funding schemes, please email the Research Team at to assess whether your research fits within our aims and strategy.

How do I apply for an Award?

We manage our Awards through our online system Flexi-Grant. When you are ready to apply for one of our funding schemes, you will need to create an account on Flexi-Grant to access the relevant scheme.

Do you fund PhD studentships?

Currently we do not offer funding for PhD studentships as stand-alone projects. However, we can provide funding for students as part of a larger Research Award application.

Can I apply for funding to cover travel and publication costs?

Funding for travel and publications cannot be included within Research Awards and must be applied for separately using our Travel and Publication Costs Award application forms in Flexi-Grant. Only our Award Holders or staff associated with a Research or Endowment Award can apply for this funding.

The maximum amount that can be applied for is £2,000 for a Travel Award and £3,000 for a Publication Costs Award. We will prioritise applicants that have not applied for a Travel or Publication Costs Award within the last three years.

Applications to the Yorkshire Cancer Research Sheffield Pioneer Fund and More Life to Live Fund, should include reasonable publication and travel costs as part of the application. If you have any questions, please contact

If I withdraw my application will be eligible to resubmit it?

If you are withdrawing an application that has undergone any part of the Charity review process, you will need to inform the Charity and will need approval to resubmit the same application to subsequent rounds.